Casino in Jacksonville, FL. The best bet jacksonville. Jacksonville, FL 32225 United States.
- BEST BET POKER continues to a great poker room! I played a few nights here 2 years ago in 2017 and wrote a recommending review at that time. I am writing now for my recent 2019 visit that this is still a poker room I love to play in!
- Seminole Casino, Brighton. The Seminole Casino at Brighton is one of the biggest and best entertainment complexes built on Native American land. Opened in 1980 by the Seminole tribe, it’s ideally located for visitors from popular Florida destinations like Tampa and Orlando.
Two of the biggest and best poker rooms in Florida are re-opening on Friday, May 22nd after operations were halted more than two months earlier due to the coronavirus outbreak. bestbet Jacksonville and bestbet Orange Park are resuming operations at 10:00 a.m local time after being closed for 66 days. The two rooms have more than 100 poker tables between them.
“Bestbet is back in action! We welcome everyone to come into our freshly cleaned, sanitized environment,” said Jesse Hollander, bestbet Director of Poker Operations. “We are excited to see all of our players.”

Live racing resumed on Monday, May 18 without a live audience inside the race facility at Orange Park. The official website for bestbet has complete information about the additional safety measures that will be put in place when poker and Florida Games resume on May 22.
Poker is set to be played at six-handed tables, while Florida Games will be five-handed including the designated player. Patrons will be required to wear a protective face mask at the facilities and must sanitize hands upon entry and submit to a non-invasive temperature screening.

A statement on the bestbet website regarding the re-opening reads as follows:
As we finalize our preparations to welcome you back into our facilities this Friday, we want you to know the safety of our employees and you has always been our first priority, and always will be. There are still many medical questions related to the COVID-19 virus, that said, there are also many knowns that we can do to mitigate the potential exposure and spread. We all have a role to play and a personal responsibility in this endeavor and we want you to know, we will be doing our part and know you will work with us in doing yours alongside us.
We would expect questions from you our guests as we commence the reopening
process. The bulleted items below are just a select few of the numerous and extensive
protocols that will be in place when you return to our facility, many of which will apply to both our employees and you, our guests:
Employees and Guests
• If you are sick, do not feel well, have a fever, stay home
• Temperatures will be checked upon entering our facilities
• Hand sanitization will be required to enter facilities
• Protective face masks will be required to be worn at all times
• Practice and adhere to social distancing guidelines
• Wash hands often with hot soapy water for at least 20 seconds – mandatory for
employees, strongly suggested for patrons
• Seating will be reduced at our cardroom tables, betting carrels, high tops and
café tables
• Enhanced cleaning and sanitization procedures will be implemented with much
increased frequency
• Our facilities will not exceed 50% of its’ respective occupancy limit
Signage will be posted in and around our facilities as reminders of these and other new operating protocols.
Best Bet Casino In Jacksonville Florida Right Now
Again, we are most excited to have all of you back to our facilities and know we will
continue to strive to provide you a world-class experience while you are our guests!

bestbet Jacksonville has been a longtime partner of the Card Player Poker Tour, hosting CPPT main events over the past seven years. The 2019 running of the CPPT bestbet Jacksonville $1,100 main event drew 329 entries to create a $319,130 prize pool. Dylan Drazen emerged victorious with the title and the trophy in 2019, taking home $62,613 as the champion.
Stay tuned to bestbet’s official website and their Twitter and Facebook accounts for up-to-date information about the re-opening.